Nerf ArenaBlast Forum 115 topics
Last Post
NAB in General 25 topicsThis is the place to talk about NAB in general. If it's NAB it can be placed in here.
NAB Modification and Design 16 topicsHere, you can talk about current maps and mods or discuss your latest ideas for content.
NAB Tech Support 12 topicsPost here if you need help getting the game running. This includes help with mods or installing custom content.
Website Feedback 3 topicsProvide feedback about the new website here. You are welcome to ask any questions, or request additional features as well.
Patch Notes 46 topicsAnnouncements regarding updates. Note: Only admins can create posts here, but all users are welcome to reply with feedback.
Off Topic 13 topicsEvery forum has an Off Topic, but not every forum says this: keep it clean people!